Last week I received an angry email from someone who clearly wanted to pick a fight, asking me to explain just what I mean by suggesting, ‘Unity through Diversity’. Frankly, what was stunning was that it came from an American. A week later, I’ve concluded that it’s worth sharing my response:

“Given that I’ve been living in Europe for almost a quarter of a century, it’s been a while since I’ve had US currency in my wallet, so I can’t take a picture. However, if you’re in the USA, open your wallet or purse and take out a dollar bill, a dime, or any other coin. Look for the olive branch, a symbol for peace, and there you’ll see the words, ‘E pluribus unum.’

Since July 4, 1776, this has been the motto of the United States of America. What it means is “Out of many, one.” This motto also appears on the seals of the President, Vice President of the United States, the United States Congress, the United States House of Representatives, the United States Senate, and the United States Supreme Court.

If you read the Bible, look up Mark 3:25: “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”

The Human Family is ONE Family. Everyone matters. Everyone counts.

Unity through Diversity.”

Lynnclaire Dennis

Visionary, Artist, Real-time Futurist, Dreamer, and Doer

Marching for peace?


Emotional Viruses